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Rambam 2016: The Poetry of Prayer


The slam will be held on Tuesday, November22, 2016 from 1- 3:30 PM.  

Poets are invited to perform two poems.  A poet will have 4 minutes maximum to perform both poems.  The poems do not have to be connected though they will be read back-to-back.

The format and topics for the poems are:

1. Any form-Sonnet, Haiku, Sestina, etc. on the subject of "Davening"

2.  Free Verse on how your prayers would be different 20 years from now

Winners will be chosen in the categories of “Best Poet,” “Best Poet Honorable Mention,” “Best Free Verse Poem,” “Best Form Poem” and “Best Presenter.”


1. Mordechai Gerstley, Rambam, Best Free Verse

2. Melanie Sokolow, SKA, Honorable Mention

3. Ruth Yudelson, SAR, Best Form Poem

4. Avigail Winokur, YUHSG (Central), Best Presenter

5. Joey Yudelson, SAR, Best Poet